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Get moving now

Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND)

Everyone can get moving and there are many resources available to support children and families with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND).

Keep GM Moving Campaign

Watch this video which has exercises for all abilities to help build strength or visit the GreaterSport website for more tips and resources.

Activity Alliance

The Activity Alliance YouTube channel has an extensive list of activity videos. It brings organisations, and deaf and disabled people, together to make active lives possible.


GreaterSport, like the Activity Alliance, has a range of activities for SEND and non-SEND too.

British Blind Sport

British Blind Sport has a good range of options for at home activities for those with a visual impairment.

UK Deaf Sport

UK Deaf Sport has a good range of options for at home activities in response to coronavirus.

Limb Power

Limb Power focuses on exercises for amputees and limb impairments.


The Sense website has a range of resources to help you get moving.

You could start with a sensory walk.

Sport England

Sport England has some great options to help children get moving.