Initiatives and grants
There are several national and Greater Manchester wide initiatives and grants available to help people get moving:
Local Pilot
Following a competitive 12 month application process, Greater Manchester was selected as one of 12 Local Delivery Pilots (LDPs) by Sport England in December 2017. The LDPs work forms an important strand of the implementation of GM Moving, and will test and explore what it takes to secure population scale change in physical activity behaviour. Stockport received funding as part of the pilot, with investment approaches and opportunities for system change being examined with partner organisations, communities, and other stakeholders.
GM walking grants
Between November 2019 and October 2020 the Greater Manchester Centre for Voluntary Organisation (GMCVO) will be giving out a total of £225,000 in grants to Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) organisations to get Greater Manchester walking. The grants are funded by Greater Manchester Moving who've received funding from Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Partnership to support as many people as possible to walk regularly. They want to create a network of people and organisations who promote and support walking in creative ways.
Sport England
Sport England has a range of grant programmes available to eligible parties, including local community organisations.