Getting active
Moving more can help your physical health and it’s great for your brain too.
How could you bring more activity into your weekly routine? If common types of exercise like running, swimming, going to the gym aren’t your cup of tea, there are loads of other options.
Fit more movement into the working week. Try walking meetings or lunch breaks, use the toilets furthest away. Try desk exercises like the NHS sitting exercises.
Be a "master of your own inconvenience." Walk to collect parcels from somewhere instead of getting them delivered to your house, or get off the bus one stop too early.
Find loads of free online workouts, like the Couch to 5k app. YouTube has plenty of channels, like XHit, Body Project or PE with Joe
Use spare minutes wisely. Walk around your home during adverts or when waiting for the kettle to boil. Dance while you’re cooking. Squat while you brush your teeth!
Set yourself a challenge to visit all of the parks in Stockport, or walk down every street in your area.
Visit our Move More pages for local support to help you get started, especially if you’re taking the first step.
Things to do
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Jamie's story