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Group financial coaching

  • Date and time
    Wednesday 24 July 2024 14:00 - 16:00
  • Price
  • Location
    Vernon Building Society, 19 St Petersgate, Stockport, SK1 1HF
  • Submitted by
    Talk Money CIC


Have you ever wondered why there are groups to help you get fit, learn an instrument, read more, practise a skill, change your diet, improve your health and many many more... but no groups to help with money?

That's where we come in. This group financial coaching programme, funded by the National Lottery, will help you to tackle your money issues, create an individual plan and work towards your goals.

Weekly sessions provide accountability, support and guidance, with free resources including your very own finance binder to fill with customised trackers designed to support your goals.

Each week we'll cover a different aspect of personal finance, from checking your National Insurance record to switching utility providers and everything in between. Group members get the opportunity to share their progress and commit to next steps.

Don't worry if you can't stay for the full session. Come along for as much as you're able to. Missing a week is fine too!